Selasa, 04 September 2012

About Me :D

About Me...
      My name is Leny Apriani you can call me or Ellen or Lelen   :)  ~ I was born in Ciamis on 24 April 1996 to be exact on Monday ~ Lelen the zodiac is taurus .. Lelen father name is Karya Sukarya and lelen mother name is Yuni Yuningsih.Lelen has one young brother name is Lezi Ahmad Fauzi-_-, Lelen like the stars .. why Lelen like a star? Lelen also do not know-_-, when Lelen start fascinated by the star, but the star knows that Lelen space objects very far away so it looks very small when we see it in this world .. but in addition it is always shining star even though he was small but the light very beautiful and fascinating that attract the attention of every person who looked at include Lelen own .. besides that Lelen also love the white color because according Lelen white symbolizes purity and excellent color other than white lungguh .. I also like the color pink because Lelen thought reasonable only if I like the color pink because pink is identical with that woman .. hobby Lelen listen to music, read novels and books read exciting stories .. Lelen favorite food is fried rice made Lelen's mother very very nice .. if the drink Lelen like the same sweet tea and avocado juice .. mmm yumi :). Lelen currently 16 years old and was sitting in class at SMAN 2 1X Ciamis .. exactly in science class 1X 4 ~ the thing I hate the same person on ignore Lelen ... that person irritable and prone to crying easily moved well but inshaAllah hihihiii ^ ^ .. now Lelen school at SMAN 2 Ciamis ... Here Lelen have a best friend and a very good friend who cares .. Lelen dear Lelen them :) ^_^

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